+27 (0)11 244 8700 info@eigenbau.co.za
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Established in 1981 and commenced operation as a civil engineering company specialising primarily in concrete construction. Today Eigenbau is a medium sized civil and mechanical engineering construction company specialising in the following:

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These Are a Few Of Our Specialties

Water and Wastewater Treatment Works

Concrete Structures, Roads, Bridges and Canals

Hydro Power Stations

Spillway Gates, Penstocks and Sluice Gates

Water and Sewer Pipelines

Reservoirs, Dams and Irrigation

Package Water and Wastewater Plants

Making an Impact Across the African Continent and Beyond

Eigenbau has successfully completed a vast number and range of contracts over a period of 34 years both in South Africa, Botswana, Swaziland, Namibia, Mauritius, and Seychelles.

This success is due to committed, experienced staff and the ‘hands-on’ approach of management.

EIGENBAU currently holds a CIDB rating of 8CE, 8ME & 7EP and is a member of the South African Federation of Civil Engineering Contractor with a BBBEE grading of 3.

Making Clients Happy Since 1981

Eigenbau has over the years entered into joint ventures and consortiums to provide our clients with turnkey and multi discipline projects and to ensure that tight deadlines are achieved.

Eigenbau is a customer focused, performance driven, result oriented organization, focused on providing value for money to its customers.

A Leader In The Industry

Our multidisciplinary project experience allows us to execute complex construction projects with a single point of accountability. This experience has earned us accolades in projects ranging from large scale water and waste water works, through to run of river hydro power stations where we have successfully undertaken the challenging process of diverting rivers through to the power houses constructed by our dedicated staff.

These stations are equipped in crucial areas with equipment designed and fabricated completely in-house. From PLC controlled water works through to hydraulically sensitive power plants, our engineers have an in depth understanding of the importance of each engineering discipline and bring this to bear in each of the projects we undertake.